About Me

I have 9 years’ experience working with adults in education and third sector charity settings such as Survivors Network. I have a passion for supporting those who may be experiencing intrusive and challenging thoughts, and difficult feelings in their day to day lives in an intersectional and trauma informed way.

I hold a Post-Gradate Diploma in Humanistic Counselling and Psychotherapy from the University of Brighton and have training in Pre-Trial conditions (I am able to work with a witness who is going through the Criminal Justice process with the potential of a trial), Trauma and Polyvagal Theory.

In practice, I am influenced by existentialism and transactional analysis theory, and informed by feminist writings of Audre Lorde, bell hooks, and Carol Gilligan to name a few.

My professional background grounds my way of working therapeutically with the uniqueness of your suffering while also paying attention to the social and systemic pressures you might face.